7. Our MIND and the VICES
नको रे मना क्रोध हा खेदकारी। नको रे मना काम नाना विकारी॥ नको रे मना सर्वदा अंगिकारू। नको रे मना मत्सरु दंभ भारु ॥६॥ Our mind is always trapped in the vicious circle of desires, wants and emotions. Like some slow poison they gradually erode our mind from the within. The never ending chase and expectations from the world do not let us be happy and content. It fuels so much dissatisfaction and angst (KRODH) in us that we stop thinking rationally and become self centered. Becoming slaves to such emotions and desires (KAAM) always results in regret (KHED) but by the time we understand this, it is too late for any damage control. We have become so obstinate that when things do not go our way or if we fail to get what we want, instead of engaging in introspection and practicing patience we get angry over the situation. Inability to accept the outcome as it is, we succumb to depression, heartbreaks and mental ailments. So much angst in day to day life makes us blind to the rest of...