
Showing posts from May, 2024

6. Our MIND and the Intent

मना पापसंकल्प सोडूनि द्यावा। मना सत्यसंकल्प जीवीं धरावा॥ मना कल्पना ते नको वीषयांची। विकारे घडे हो जनी सर्व ची ची ॥५॥ Why do we do things that we do? What inspires us to act in a certain way? The answer is, our intent, the purpose, the mindset instructs our mind, intellect and body to behave or act in a certain way. We all know that o ur mind is a complex entity with unlimited power and unharnessed potential. It is also a BAHURUPI, having multiple forms. When we are going through an emotional turmoil it becomes sensitive but when we are going through a tough time, it becomes rock solid. How does our mind manage this transition? The answer is because of the intent - SANKALP . In any sport, in addition to playing a better game, the opponents are also trying to outmaneuver each other on the mental level. It is because, once the game is lost in the mind, losing it on the court remains a mere formality. Such is the power of Sankalp, intent, a powerful force which convinces our mind to go o...

5. Our MIND and KARMA - The perfect percolation

मना वासना दुष्ट कामा न ये रे। मना सर्वथा पापबुद्धी नको रे॥ मना सर्वथा नीति सोडूं नको हो। मना अंतरीं सार वीचार राहो ॥४॥ In the above four lines, Samarth Ramdas exudes his profound understanding of human psychology. Very effortlessly he explains the deep connection between the mind, intellect, body and karma. Once this is evident then it is impossible to consider the above in isolation from each other. Because they are complexly intertwined they affect each other all through our existence. If we ever consciously pay attention to the thoughts arising in our mind, we will be aghast by their negativity. Ignoring such thoughts as seemingly harmless only emboldens the mind further and these thoughts become more frequent. Soon, our thoughts come out as our words and then our actions. That’s when we realize the full impact of the subtle yet powerful control of our mind over everything. Unfortunately by then it is too late for any kind of damage control. Hindus believe that the divine superpower...

4. As the new day dawns

  प्रभाते मनी राम चिंतीत जावा। पुढे वैखरी राम आधी वदावा॥ सदाचार हा थोर सांडूं नये तो। जनीं तोचि तो मानवी धन्य होतो ॥३॥ Each new day is a fresh start. Samarth Ramdas calls this beginning as PRABHAT . Even though it literally means dawn, in this verse it has multiple interpretations. Dawn is the time when night has just ended and a new day is breaking. There is less visibility and the whole atmosphere is charged with positivity and freshness. As the day gradually progresses, everything becomes brighter and clearer. Metaphorically, this can also be considered as the moment of self realization when the seeker decides to turn a new leaf and abandon his old self. Samarth Ramdas says that at this juncture a seeker should first think of Lord Ram. Hinduism considers Lord Ram as PURUSHOTTAM meaning the ideal man. When the targets are high, we try even harder to accomplish them. Mediating on the life and deeds of Ram (perfection personified) will help us in aligning our own thoughts, words an...

3. The first step

  मना सज्जना भक्तिपंथेचि जावें। तरी श्रीहरी पाविजेतो स्वभावें॥ जनीं निंद्य तें सर्व सोडूनि द्यावें। जनीं वंद्य ते सर्व भावे करावे ॥२॥ After the first mangal-charan ( मंगल चरण) initial shlok, the actual Manache shlok (also called Manobodh, मनोबोध) start from here. From the word go, Samarth Ramdas begins talking to one’s mind. Being a seasoned psychologist in his own right, he addresses the mind as SAJJAN (righteous). Our mind is ever elusive. It can not be pointed to any specific location within our body and yet rules our entire physical existence. If not honed correctly, it  can act as a deal breaker in our endeavor to excel in life.  With regular physical exercise it is possible to transform our physical shape. But in order to mold our mental capacities, it takes a lot of hard work. We live in a complex world riddled with insecurities, addictions and falsehood. These not only affect our physical health but also make a dent in our mental wellbeing.  In order to safeg...

2. Before the conversation commences..

  गणाधीश जो ईश सर्वां गुणांचा | मुळारंभ आरंभ तो निर्गुणाचा | नमूं शारदा मूळ चत्वार वाचा | गमू पंथ आनंत या राघवाचा || १ || Hinduism believes that every new task should commence with seeking the blessings of Lord Ganesh, Ganadheesh. Lord Ganesh, is considered to be the remover of all the obstacles. He has mastery over 64 kala (artforms) and 16 vidya (faculties of knowledge). He is the ISH (master) of all GUNA (virtues) and starting point of all NIRGUNA which is the omnipresent divine consciousness.  He is everywhere and in everything, even in our mind and subconscious. He is the focal point of the tangible as well as the intangible. So our conversation with the mind, in the form of Manache shlok, starts by paying obeisance to Lord Ganesh. As this is a dialogue, there is going to be a lot of exchange of ideas and thoughts. There has to be a certain amount of clarity in the process because only then the meaning of both, spoken and unspoken words will be conveyed to the mind. To b...

1. The rhyme and the reason - Introduction

  In today’s world, STRESS has become an inseparable part of our existence. From old to young even to teens, it has entered everyone’s lives. Changes in personal, professional and social setups can trigger stress and kick in panic which takes a toll on the mental health of an individual. Stressors can cause stroke, heart diseases, ageing and other physical complications too. But the insurmountable pressure to stay in the competition is so high that the idea of living stress free is as good as chasing some mirage. The key therefore is not to struggle to eliminate these stressors but to learn to control them in the hope to level the playing field.  Manache shlok, a collection of 205 verses composed by Samarth Ramdas in the 17th century, teaches the readers how to develop a resilient psychology towards stress and how to achieve mental well being. Through their profound yet simply worded answers, the shlok help to solve the dilemmas of everyday life and encourage an individual to ...