6. Our MIND and the Intent
मना पापसंकल्प सोडूनि द्यावा। मना सत्यसंकल्प जीवीं धरावा॥ मना कल्पना ते नको वीषयांची। विकारे घडे हो जनी सर्व ची ची ॥५॥ Why do we do things that we do? What inspires us to act in a certain way? The answer is, our intent, the purpose, the mindset instructs our mind, intellect and body to behave or act in a certain way. We all know that o ur mind is a complex entity with unlimited power and unharnessed potential. It is also a BAHURUPI, having multiple forms. When we are going through an emotional turmoil it becomes sensitive but when we are going through a tough time, it becomes rock solid. How does our mind manage this transition? The answer is because of the intent - SANKALP . In any sport, in addition to playing a better game, the opponents are also trying to outmaneuver each other on the mental level. It is because, once the game is lost in the mind, losing it on the court remains a mere formality. Such is the power of Sankalp, intent, a powerful force which convinces our mind to go o...