1. The rhyme and the reason - Introduction


In today’s world, STRESS has become an inseparable part of our existence. From old to young even to teens, it has entered everyone’s lives. Changes in personal, professional and social setups can trigger stress and kick in panic which takes a toll on the mental health of an individual. Stressors can cause stroke, heart diseases, ageing and other physical complications too. But the insurmountable pressure to stay in the competition is so high that the idea of living stress free is as good as chasing some mirage. The key therefore is not to struggle to eliminate these stressors but to learn to control them in the hope to level the playing field. 

Manache shlok, a collection of 205 verses composed by Samarth Ramdas in the 17th century, teaches the readers how to develop a resilient psychology towards stress and how to achieve mental well being. Through their profound yet simply worded answers, the shlok help to solve the dilemmas of everyday life and encourage an individual to apply continuous improvement for striking emotional balance. A similar philosophy is emphasised in the ancient Japanese principle of Kaizen.

The popular American philosopher, Ralph Waldo Emerson, once quoted that, “ You become what you think about all day long”. Imagine what you will end up becoming if stressors play on your mind 24*7? Manache shlok give your mind the much needed clarity to envision its own superior form and break the vicious circles of stressors. They empower you emotionally and intellectually thus enabling you to calm your ever elusive mind. With a calm mind it becomes possible to have a healthy life, happy relationships, adaptability to changing situations and a deep rooted sense of belonging.

With the advancements in medical science and technology, it is possible for us to have a healthy body. But how do we reach a healthy MENTAL state that will compliment its robust physical counterpart? Stress, anxiety, depression and other mental ailments gnaw our minds from within making our existence hollow. In such situations, Manache shlok eradicate all the chaos from our mental realm and give us the much needed inner sanctity.Repeated reading of Manache shlok instil a firm belief within us that with the help of the Supreme power we shall be able to lead a pure, ethical and productive life.

Introspection, self-reflection and development of virtues are the cornerstones of Manache shlok. The shlok are like a manual which decodes the mind and its impact on the psychology of a person. Personality and psychology (mind) have a supplementary-complementary relationship with each other. Needless to say that if we succeed in transforming our psychology it will have a positive impact on our personality too. 

In Sanskrit, personality is termed as Swabhav. Swabhav is a common connection between the psychological, emotional and physical selves of a person. With their unmatched efficacy to create positive ripples on all these three levels, Manache shlok can change the Swabhav of a person! It is this power, potential and magnitude of Manache shlok that make them relevant even today.  In current times, they are our strongest hope and means to create a happy, stress free, mentally healthy world for all of us. 

Through my blog series here, I am going to initiate a dialogue with my mind in an attempt to decode the verses of Manache shlok. I sincerely believe that anyone who wishes to have a perfect harmony with his/her inner self needs to embark on this journey at least once.

Check the introductory video on Ashwas's YouTube channel here:


  1. So very interesting. Please keep on sharing more

  2. Great initiative, excited to see the upcoming posts!


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