
Showing posts from July, 2024

8. Our MIND and Courage

 मना श्रेष्ठ धारिष्ट जीवीं धरावे। मना बोलणे नीच सोशीत जावें॥ स्वयें सर्वदा नम्र वाचे वदावे। मना सर्व लोकांसि रे नीववावें ॥७॥ Life is all about the choices we make. It is our choices that not only define our present but also our future. Samarth Ramdas elaborates on the fundamental power of COURAGE in this verse. Through its four lines, Samarth Ramdas connects courage to tolerance, humility and happiness thus reminding us that it is courage alone which can pave way for all the other qualities in life. Because courage alone can empower a seeker to make the right choice when it is most needed.  According to Samarth Ramdas, a seeker needs to have SHRESHTHA (supreme) DHARISHTA (courage) to be able to be happy in life. It takes great courage to stand up to anything that comes in our way of being true to life. This mental strength has to be cultivated slowly, gradually while keeping faith in the final goal which is to lead a pure, scrupulous life. Overcoming personal defeats, backlash, critici