8. Our MIND and Courage

 मना श्रेष्ठ धारिष्ट जीवीं धरावे।

मना बोलणे नीच सोशीत जावें॥

स्वयें सर्वदा नम्र वाचे वदावे।

मना सर्व लोकांसि रे नीववावें ॥७॥

Life is all about the choices we make. It is our choices that not only define our present but also our future. Samarth Ramdas elaborates on the fundamental power of COURAGE in this verse. Through its four lines, Samarth Ramdas connects courage to tolerance, humility and happiness thus reminding us that it is courage alone which can pave way for all the other qualities in life. Because courage alone can empower a seeker to make the right choice when it is most needed. 

According to Samarth Ramdas, a seeker needs to have SHRESHTHA (supreme) DHARISHTA (courage) to be able to be happy in life. It takes great courage to stand up to anything that comes in our way of being true to life. This mental strength has to be cultivated slowly, gradually while keeping faith in the final goal which is to lead a pure, scrupulous life. Overcoming personal defeats, backlash, criticism, loss of loved ones, are emotionally challenging situations. They posses so much negativity that to face them and come out of them needs supreme mental strength. Each time we are able to show a spark of it, we must congratulate ourselves on winning that war. We must appreciate our efforts in pulling through tough times without compromising our ideals. Staying true to our values and convictions takes courage. Succumbing to pessimism, dejection and depression can never be the right option for a seeker.

One also needs to put an end to the WHY ME mentality. If things do not go according to our wishes, we immediately find someone or something to put the blame on and start getting into a typical victimized state of mind which inflicts self pity instead of introspection. This mentality makes progress impossible because we stop working on ourselves and expect miracles from others. Getting rid of this detrimental condition needs a lot of strength. One has to realise that apart from the luck factor, there are many other factors which contribute to our fate. To choose to never lose hope and always keep a positive attitude is the foundation of ultimate success. 

Another crucial quality which has become a rarity today but should be cultivated by a seeker is the quality of tolerance. Social media has made individuals habituated to instant validation and approvals from their followers. Foolishly enough these favourable reactions are assumed to be real appreciation shown towards that person. Unfortunately the moment two opinions clash, the same individuals engage in a bitter exchange of comments and reactions making healthy debates impossible. Everywhere around us this intolerance is causing chaos, arguments even wars thus amplifying the need for tolerance. Samarth Ramdas rightly reminds us to inculcate tolerance to be able to digest NEECH BOLNE (insults and derogatory remarks) of others. Tolerance is projected from intelligence and acceptance of the situation. To be able to accept the situation as it is and maintain calmness and composure gives the person a chance to find better solutions to deal with it. 

In addition to being courageous and tolerant, Samarth Ramdas advices a person to imbibe the quality of humility. He says, every person should SARVADA (always) VACHE-VADAVE (speak) NAMRA (humbly). If I am courageous to choose what is right for me and to control my reactions I can also try to be more humble and less arrogant towards others. Being softspoken is a great quality because the words which we utter stay in public memory for a long long time.    

Armed with courage, tolerance and humility, a seeker is sure to make others around him happy. It is no secret that if one wants the world to change then that person will have to change first. If a seeker imbibes the qualities of courage, tolerance and humility, the same will spread to the world creating positive ripples all around. 


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